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Often clients just want to know their options:


  • What will happen if we separate?

  • What should be done in advance?

  • What arrangements are fair and appropriate?

  • How does an amicable agreement get formalised?

  • How does an acrimonious situation get managed?

  • How can a family move past a separation smoothly?

  • What does it all cost? 


We provide compassionate and practical advice to assist clients navigate a way forward.  

We know that avoiding the pitfalls is better than dealing with them afterwards. 











A properly conducted mediation can resolve issues even before a dispute arises. 

If conducted before positions “harden”, it is possible to avoid litigation and enable a family to move forward harmoniously and with dignity.  After litigation commences, it remains possible to reach agreement and sometimes a looming hearing is a significant incentive.  

Successful mediation is highly dependent upon the parties having confidence in the process – it is only possible to negotiate if fully informed of the likely range a Court would order as an alternative.  Proper preparation is the key to confident negotiations.

We encourage our clients to take any opportunity to engage in genuine attempts to resolve matters, by negotiation, mediation or a simple “round table” conference prior to a hearing.  Litigation is rarely inevitable and often picking up the phone can open the door to a solution.









Parenting Matters


Advising and acting in parenting matters is a huge responsibility.  Emotions can run high.

The paramount consideration of the Court in determining parenting disputes is the welfare of the child.  When advising clients, this is also our focus.

We have many years of experience dealing in fraught parenting matters.


  • We understand the nuances of children’s wishes in alienation and estrangement situations.

  • We understand the difficulties arising when someone repartners or relocates.

  • We know that co-parenting continues once the lawyers cease their involvement.

We provide calm, rational advice and representation.









Property Division


We assist our clients to achieve an appropriate division of property after a separation of a marriage or de facto relationship.

Thorough analysis of the information to quantify the available pool for distribution is often required.  Assessment of the respective contributions (both financial and as homemaker) is also required.

Achieving the best result for the client net of legal costs is our objective.  We work with our clients to  ensure they understand the process and engage confidently in the negotiations and mediation.

Where litigation is required, particularly in urgent matters, we draw documents and represent our clients with exceptional competence.









Forensic Accounting


Having “in house” forensic accountant services sets us apart from other boutique family law firms.

Trust is often in short supply following a family breakdown.  Having confidence in the evidence and information on which negotiations or litigation is based is key to an appropriate outcome.

Knowing what it all means and where investigations should be targeted assists our clients to navigate the system and understand their rights.

By having a forensic accountant as part of our team, we provide:


  • Expert analysis of discovered documents, finding missing income and assets.

  • Analysis and critique of business valuations.

  • Litigation support in questioning joint expert

  • Analysis of evidence

  • Expert assistance in drafting affidavits, submissions and formulating cross-examination.

Our forensic accounting services are available to other firms upon request.











Financial Agreements and Asset Protection (the "pre nup")


Relationships rarely occur in isolation.

Children to prior relationships, family farms and businesses and the prospect of intergenerational generosity or significant inheritances are common factors which make it essential to have certainty in the event of a relationship breakdown.

We sensitively guide our clients through such complexities.  In formulating a Financial Agreement which covers their concerns, we provide our clients with the confidence to move forward in their relationship.










Family Support


The issues of Child Support and spousal maintenance are often integral to the resolution of financial disputes.

This can involve factors such as school or medical fees, the payment of the mortgage or the need to support a parent who has the care of young children.

We assist our clients to analyse the information and achieve an appropriate outcome.











Family Violence


A large proportion of family breakdowns involve allegations and counter-allegations of family violence.  The impact on parenting and financial matters of such issues is far-ranging.

Our competence in assisting our clients to deal with such issues is combined with sensitivity and compassion.

Parenting matters
Property Divison
Family Suppot
Forensic Accounting
Family Violence
Financial Agreemets and Asset Protection
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